Harel Chiropractic

HAREL CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Breach Frequently Asked Questions


1. What, exactly, happened?

The entire circumstances are still under investigation.  However, to date,  we have determined that an employee and contracted chiropractor, accessed and removed Harel Chiropractic Clinic patient information from the Clinic on November 4, 2014, and promptly resigned after doing so.

2. Should I cancel my credit cards and debit cards?

While we can’t tell you NOT to, we can tell you that no credit card, debit card or any other financial information has been accessed or removed from the clinic.  This information is not retained by Harel Chiropractic Clinic when patients use their credit or debit card to pay for services or products.

3. What should I do if I think I have been the victim of identity theft?

You should immediately report your concerns to your local law enforcement agency. Contact your credit card issuance companies and banks to cancel all credit cards and debits cards. 

Contact the credit bureaus,

Equifax: 800-525-6285 or www.equifax.com
Experian: 888-397-3742 or www.experian.com
TransUnion: 800-680-7289 or www.transunion.com

Get copies of your credit report from each of the credit bureaus. Look for all possible signs of trouble: accounts you didn’t open, inquiries you didn’t initiate, and defaults and delinquencies you didn’t cause. Also check your identifying information carefully.

Fill out an Identity Theft Victim's Complaint and Affidavit. The form is available from the Federal Trade Commission at www.ftc.gov/idtheft.

4. What should I do if a former employee or contracted Chiropractor contacts me about services?

Obviously, you have the right to seek treatment with any provider.  However, as the investigation is continuing, we would appreciate if you contact Dr. Harel immediately.  She can be contact by phone at her office (715 386 0511), email (harelchiro@sbcglobal.net), or through the link below.

If you have other question or concerns, not addressed, please feel free to submit them here.  Someone will contact you within two business days.


Contact form

Please get in touch for any questions using the form below.